Fix the Bus

What you read here, you are not gonna find anywhere else.

I’m not part of any group, and I don’t care. I’m not beholden to any official narrative. The JFK assassination community has been infiltrated by the CIA in order to keep track of what people are thinking, and in order to keep people away from alleys the CIA doesn’t want them walking down.

Members of the JFK Assassination community don’t want to even consider the idea that someone Jewish might be involved in the assassination. They are afraid of being labeled an antisemite. This is understandable but not valid. It’s not valid because no true Jew would assassinate a President, just as no true Christian would do the same.

Look, I know it’s a sensitive issue to bring Jews into the conversation, but it has to be done. Number one, Jews are people too, and to not bring them into the assassination picture as co-equals is to say that Jews aren’t people who are able to commit crimes – which ironically is a form of discrimination as you are excluding Jews from humanity. Number two, the CIA and the fake Christians are using Mossad as a shield to keep you from getting at the truth.

Say, you aren’t a bigoted antisemite, are you? Good, because I believe that Jews are a vital part of American society who should be fully included in American society – in all facets; and that includes the good, the bad and the ugly. Now, that’s not what our ruling class believes. Our ruling class (who by the way led the charge in antisemitism for centuries) through it’s SD (CIA) likes to exclude Jews as contributors to its dirty tricks. And we know this because anytime anyone brings up possible Jewish involvement no matter how peripheral or remote, that person is marginalized and put down as an anti-semite.

Of course, we now know who the real anti-semites are.

What we have in the world today are fake Christians, fake Jews and fake Muslims making our lives miserable so that they can get rich.

Fuck them.

If we don’t take these criminals down, they are going to take us down. You know who knows this better than we do? CIA officers. The majority of them know that their organization is corrupt.

Now, when you read this site you’re bound to see some far out stuff, and that is because sometimes my brain goes out on a tangent that I feel like pursuing. That does not mean I necessarily believe what I am saying. It’s just that I feel like going down the tangent to see where it will lead. And since I don’t have a glass rod up my ass, I don’t really give a fuck what some professor thinks.

We’re never going to solve the JFK assassination by sticking to the hardcore evidence, just as you can’t solve a Sudoku puzzle by sticking to what you have. You have to take a leap of faith and say, “”What if …”.

Oswald’s Last Journey

I write this for myself to keep matters straight. Lee Oswald was arrested at the Texas Theater by the DPD. As such he was taken to the DPD headquarters on Harwood and Main (1). The DPD was so big that it took an entire city block, so it sat on Harwood between Main and Commerce.…

The Parade Route

Lets’ talks about this, because a conspiracy on the order I believe in mandates that the shooters knew exactly where to set up ahead of time. I don’t believe the conspirators figured out this assassination four days before Kennedy got to Dallas – when the parade route was announced. I’m also not convinced that they…

Black Jack Magic

There’s something bothering me about Jack Ruby. I can’t function until I resolve this. When did Jack Ruby become so committed to killing Lee Oswald? Obviously, Ruby was emotionally distraught. If he was committed to killing Oswald when he parked his car shortly after 11 o’clock in downtown Dallas, why did he stop and go…

Jack Ruby

If you believe that Jack Ruby (JR) committed the crime of shooting Oswald (LHO) on a whim, you do not need to go any further. Still there is a good argument that he did. One of the better articles was written by Gary Cartwright (GC) in Texas Monthly in 1975. Gary knew Jack Ruby, and…

I’m a Proud Conspiracy Nut

I’m a proud conspiracy nut. Why would I be anything else? Why would I choose to believe in a crazy theory like Randomness. All across the globe from time immemorial, oligarchies have conspired to control and dominate their governments and leadership. Why wouldn’t they? They have much to lose, and they are living pretty good.…

Rose Cherami

The story of Rose Cherami is fascinating. Do I believe it? No. The story is too good to be true. It is a captivating story. A young woman, after being hit by a car on the side of the road near Eunice, Louisiana, is brought to the emergency room in Eunice by the driver who…

Alternative Theories

Many preposterous theories  have been proposed as to who mechanically pulled off the assassination of JFK. Some say it was the mob. Names range from Santo Trafficante to Carlos Marcello to Charles Nicoletti. Others say it was the CIA. Still others blame the Cubans and the Corsican Brotherhood.  Even freelancers are given the opportunity to…

Why Dallas

Why was Dallas chosen as the place to kill the president of United States? I mean, it could’ve been any other city in the United, States, right? So why Dallas? What made Dallas so special?  When I was setting up my pediatric practice back in 1994, I could have chosen a number of places to…

Silvia Odio: Part I

So what can you say Ms. Odio and her sister Annie? Was Oswald there, and if he was at their apartment, what does it mean? I’m not sure it matters a whole lot, but it might. For the two Odios do believe they were staring at Lee Oswald that late September day in 1963. That…

Silvia Odio: Part II

So how do Sturgis, Barker and Hunt (SBH) connect to Bolten? And. can we connect any of SBH to New Orleans. I would like to show that these men worked with each other well before Watergate. Well, to answer that question properly we will have to fast forward ten years to Watergate. The same fellows…


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